Monday, August 18, 2008

Brody and Daisy's "new" swingset

Adam and I have been wanting to get Brody a swing set for quite a while now. As most kids do, he absolutely loves being outside playing with Daisy, any kind of ball or anything with wheels. We wanted to get him a really nice wooden swing set, one of those buy the kit kinds at Lowe's but when we started looking at the prices we decided to either wait a while longer or try something else. One of our neighbors had a tower with a slide that was falling apart and they didn't want it anymore. Adam gladly offered to take it and he re-vamped it. It looks great and Brody loves it!!
We were outside Saturday afternoon playing with Daisy and Brody started sliding, which he calls sween... , and I looked down for a minute and when I looked back up, Daisy had climbed up the ladder and slid down right after Brody. I couldn't believe it and I started cracking up. I didn't even catch it on film but I did get some pretty good shots of them playing on it later. You never know what your kids or dogs are going to do!



Jeremy and Lacy said...

Too cute! I love the new swing set! I can't wait to get one for Kiley, she loves to "sween"! HA!