Friday, November 16, 2007

Time Flies

I can't believe that it is almost Thanksgiving already. Thanksgiving has always been my favorite holiday because it is so much more relaxed than Christmas. I love getting together with family that I haven't seen in a while and most of all I really enjoy going through the sales papers and mapping out our route for BLACK FRIDAY. My mom, Evelyn, Angie, Lacey, Misty, and I always get together on the day after Thanksgiving and hit the sales. It always really puts me in the Christmas spirit and I can't wait to start buying for Brody's first Christmas!!! He is so cute ( just in case I haven't said that before, Ha Ha!) I am amazed to watch him grow and change. He is getting pretty brave and I am waiting for him to let go and start walking just any time!


Anonymous said...

i know i cant believe that it is already here!!! i love black friday, but i cant go this year because we have a bball tourney that whole weekend! oh well i have bills i guess i could use my shopping $$ on , but it is no fun spending it that way! hope all is well and i hope you all have a great thanksgiving!!