Sunday, May 18, 2008

Prayer Request

I have a huge prayer request that I need for all of you who believe in the power of prayer as much as I do. I have a lifelong friend, Sarah , who I grew up in church with. She has a daughter that will be turning 3 in November, Emma.(the little girl that Brody is hugging in the pic) Emma is very, very sick and in the Hospital. She had a lingering ear infection a few months ago. Sarah took her to the doctor, as any concerned mom would do. She had to see a different pediatrician than usual because hers was out of the office that day. Anyway, the doctor said something like, "we are going to get rid of this" and gave Emma a very large dosage of antibiotic. This got rid of all the bacteria in Emma's body, good and bad. She then went through a few weeks of diarrhea and medication to treat the new problem. They thought they had this problem under control until Emma started experiencing the same symptoms again. This problem includes a lot of blood in her stool ( sorry to be so graphic). Sarah and her husband, Wes, took her back to the doctor and they sent her to the hospital. She has been there since Thursday night or Friday morning. This condition has been fatal if it gets into the stomach. It is now in her esophagus (sp?) and colon. Please pray for Emma, Sarah, Wes, the remainder of their family, the doctors and staff that will be treating Emma. I will keep you updated on her condition.


Tara said...

I will definitely keep them in my prayers! That is so sad and I know it has to be taking its toll on her mother. I will pray that they get this under control before it spreads.

The Rue Family said...

I too will be praying for her and her family. That is just terrible!

Amanda and Avary said...

Let me know if you get any updates on her. I'm going to send a snap out at work to get a prayer chain started here also. I know first hand that it works.